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  • Author: Bruce Peterson
Bruce Peterson December 26, 2023 0 Comments

Aglocell on Friday announced the successful acquisition of the mobile network optimization technologies of BandwidthX. This strategic move will significantly enhance Aglocell's capabilities and further solidify its position as a key player in the telecommunications industry. With

Bruce Peterson February 16, 2022 0 Comments

Spectral efficiency is simply the number of bits transmitted over a frequency bandwidth in a specific time and is measured in bits/s/Hz. It is proportional to throughput as the throughput is also bits per time transmitted in

London Tube users are admonished to “mind the gap” at every stop, Aglocell assists mobile operators to "mind the gap" in automation and artificial intelligence (AI). Following a raft of 5G commercial launches in Asia, Europe, and

When deploying 5G, mobile operators aim to reduce time to market by automating the time-consuming and costly tasks of tuning and optimization. They also aim to maximize network deployment ROI by utilizing automated, AI-based solutions like Aglocell’s

It has been over a decade since the concept of Self-Organizing Networks (SON) was introduced by the Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN), and was subsequently standardized by 3GPP along with the Long Term Evolution (LTE) network. However,

Aglocell's 5G/4G AI-based layer management optimization solution optimizes the network performance of the three spectrum layers that are required to provide key capabilities that deliver 5G usage scenarios. Users battling inter-cell interference get stuck in a slow